Power Electronics Lander

Power Electronics LanderPower Electronics Lander

This third edition brings Lander's text completely up to date, retaining the original material but adding new information. In particular, a whole new section on EMC (electromagenetic compatability) has been incorporated into the chapter on harmonics. Recently emerged semiconductor devices, such as IGBTs and MCTs are covered, as are other new topics, including active filter This third edition brings Lander's text completely up to date, retaining the original material but adding new information. In particular, a whole new section on EMC (electromagenetic compatability) has been incorporated into the chapter on harmonics. Recently emerged semiconductor devices, such as IGBTs and MCTs are covered, as are other new topics, including active filters for harmonic elimination.

The control sections have been expanded to take into account pulse-width modulated convertors for power factor control, vector control of cage induction motor drives and resonant convertors.

Power Electronics by Cyril W. Lander, 143, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Thermal Power Plant Operation Books.