Material Library 3ds Max 9
Pardon the dumbness of this question, but I am new to 3ds and the learning curve I am finding steep, almost vertical in fact. At present I am trying to work through a lengthy youtube video on the creation of a room. When it comes to assigning materials, the tutorial opens up a folder (as shown in screen capture below) that has names such as the following in it: Concrete.Cast.(other stuff I can't see). Many of these and Woods&Finishes (several of these) which appear to be in a folder called 'ArchMat' and there is a whole list of other folders containing materials, But I can't seem to find this folder (or the others) or these files using Windows 7 search.
Since I set my own file folder for this tutorial, I am wondering whether that is the problem? Or do these libraries not come with the student edition? I am using 3ds max 2015 student edition. So just an update.
Automating Photoshop with a Dot. Net Class Library and COM interop. Automating Photoshop with a Dot. Net Class Library and COM. Hi, I am trying to use few material libraries of previous versions into 3ds Max Design 2009, but it doesent work. However when I did the same thing. 3ds Max >Forum >Location of material libraries. I downloaded the 3ds max 2015 samples.exe' but this does not include all. Autodesk Material Library 2015 Base. Dragon Ball Z Mugen Edition 2008 For Pc.
It has not yet proved possible to get a solution to this. 1) I have reinstalled max using the installer.the problem is still present. 2) I opened a Ticket on it, which advised me to open the three *.msi files: • Autodesk Material Library 2015: Content ADSKMaterials 2015 CM MaterialLibrary2015.msi.
• Autodesk Material Library 2015 Base Image Library: Content ADSKMaterials 2015 ILB BaseImageLibrary.msi. • Autodesk Material Library 2015 Medium Image Library: Content ADSKMaterials 2015 ILM MediumImageLibrary.msi. Unfortunately, looking at that page and trying that was one of the first things that I did days ago and guess what, I don't have those files either and can't run them. I want to emphasize that I'm very grateful to Autodesk for making their software available to students in a learning edition.
However, imagine trying to follow any tutorial that uses or refers to textures and bitmaps in 3ds itself, and you'll see my problem. It's virtually unusable. I can't really understand why there isn't a straightforward solution to this issue. I mean, at the simplest level, is it not possible to just zip the library and send it?
I have no idea why I do not have these files. Thanks for your reply. I have made a little progress.I think. I ran the reinstall/uninstall again from control panel and this time I found the three.msi files. They appear to be in that folder along with a.rar archive in each folder. Just in case, I extracted those archives myself before running each installer.
Are the following actually the *names of files extracted and installed* by this process, because this kind of name is what I am searching for and not finding on my system?: Masonry.Stone.Slate.jpg (etc). The.msi installer files are definitely going through their process and telling me that they have successfully installed stuff. But where and what exactly do they install?
Where is the default destination of the extracted material? When I open the rar files myself, they are just of type 'file' and have names such as: _FFF0102EB612BDA469B2F6DF023E9F85 which certainly doesn't sound like a bitmap file. I should say that I don't completely trust Windows 7 search, so I'm wondering if it's on my system somewhere and the search just isn't showing it up?